ECU Credits

30.00 600.00 

PVTech ECU Management – Carbon Edition is based on a credit system in order to get a reflash license.

Credits are bought in multiples of 1 and are stored in your account.

Credits are spent each time that you request a license to reflash a new ECU.

Once the ECU is registered to your account, you can reflash the ECU as many times as you want.


  • 1 Credit: 30 Euro
  • 5 Credits: 150 Euro + 1 Credit Gift (6 Credits Total)
  • 10 Credits: 300 Euro + 4 Credits Gift (14 Credits Total)
  • 20 Credits: 600 Euro + 10 Credits Gift (30 Credits Total)

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1 Credit, 5+1 Credits, 10+4 Credits, 20+10 Credits